Spacetime ran in a circle.



Round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows…



Light refracting, reflecting, rebounding off itself, inlays and parabolas of glistening starshine, tesseracts and dodecahedrons of interwoven brightness, a tapestry of galaxies swirling into the oblivion, infinite, sparkling off itself eternally…



Infinite expansion/infinite regression, from the smallest quanta to the largest galactic cluster, circles upon circles, pixellated light-streams of information layered in patterns.



Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,



Life was but a dream…



Hide and seek had always been a favourite game, moving from light into dark and back again, tag, you’re it…



You played against yourself and lost/won.  There’s no one else to blame, the game’s always the same, the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane but the planes fall mainly in the rain…



Rain, rain, go away, come again another day, all God’s children want to play…



In Him we live and move and have our being…



The world was without form, and void.


Swirlspin blank lost white, white, light, bright, drift


Lost floating, sinking, swirling…  alone…  alone, lost, adrift, drowning

Void.  Nothing


“NO!  I am not nothing!” shouting, struggling, swimming, fighting… fighting.


“Who are you?” A voice, booming, echoing, surrounding, everywhere, nowhere, loud, inside, silent, quiet…


“I…  I am…  Ethan.”  An answer from within, sought for, found.  Survived.


“Are you?” The voice, washing over, flooding, submerging, blinding, deafening…


Collapse.  Overwhelmed.

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